Saturday, August 12, 2006

Going Somewhere?

Life is a journey. From the moment we are born we begin the journey of destiny. Our feet are set on a pathway that takes us in many different directions. Some we choose freely and some chosen for us.

My road has been varied over the years. Sometimes the road has been like a smooth highway where I can just put myself on cruise control. Those are the times when life is quiet and unassuming. Then comes the road that takes me up a hill of hope and exhilaration. The assent up can be a gradual incline or rather steep and arduous. Depending on the situation, I can spend some time on that hill just looking around at my life and enjoying the view of the moment from the pinnacle of emotion. Then, sooner or later the descent must be made. So down I come. Now this is where it gets tricky. This is usually where the S curves and hairpin turns come in. This part of the journey must be made with focused attention and deftness of skill. One wrong move, one miscalculation, could prove to be disasterous. This is where most wrecked lives happen so one must proceed with caution. After navigating this part of the journey comes the inevitable fork in the road. This is where decesions are made. This is where it gets interesting. Which way to go, which way to turn.

I am at the fork in the road of my journey. I'm not sure which way I'lll go but I know that it will be good. How can I be so sure? Because I know me. I know that I'll make the right decision. I have years of experience to help me choose wisely. I have a life, I have a destiny, I have a purpose. I know that if I see the decision I made is not good I can always turn around. My road is wide enough to make U turns. No problem! And if along the way someone decides to join me on my journey my road is wide enough to handle more then just me. Would you like to join me on my journey?

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Never Lose Sight

A friend recently reminded me that I haven't posted in a long time. In spite of the fact that I've had a dozen trains of thoughts, I couldn't put one thought together that made any sense. For all my cries of individuality I found myself falling into the trap of comparison. I found myself thinking of what the readers would want rather then what I wanted to write about. I named this blog specifically so anyone stumbling upon it would know that I am a grandmother who just wanted a place to exercise her freedom of expression. Ahhhhh, that feels good already. Confession is good for the soul! However, I'm not sure what I just confessed expect that I lost interest in even myself and my thoughts.

I think the saddest thing that could happen to anyone of any age is to lose interest. Lose interest in what you might ask? Well, that could mean almost anything to anyone. Where has the excitement of life gone? Where has the anticipation of things yet to come gone? What about the hopes and dreams yet to be fulfilled? Come on guys. We all have them. Why do we let them just fall to the ground? Our hopes, our dreams, our "interests" are personal to us as indivduals. These are the things that keep us going. Things no one else can or should take from us. So why do we reach a part of life where we stop believing in what yet can be. Life becomes routine and bland and we wave the white flag of surrender over our desires. We throw up our hands and allow the enemies of our souls to capture our dreams. We walk into the prison of our minds and allow the ruts of life to define where we go. We hold ourselves captive with fear of the unknown.

So I'm going to step out into the unknown. I'm going to run for our town council. I've never done anything like this before and I may or may not win. But this is something I'm going to do. I'm going to step outside of my prison and recapture interest in my life and the life of the town I live in. If I win the ballot I will do all I can to legislate what is best for the town and its residents. If I lose I will have lost knowing that I at least tried.

In closing I have one last thing to say. It was told to me a long time ago that good friends are harder to find then good lovers. I laughed when I first heard that. But I now know how true that saying is. So to my friend who reminded me of my absence of blogging I say thank you. Thank you for reminding me of who and what I am. And thank you for just being you.