Wednesday, August 31, 2005

When Two Worlds Collide

I am constantly amazed at the potpourri of emotions my little grandaughter evokes in me. When she wraps her little arms around my neck and plants a big kiss on my cheek (or anywhere it seems to find a landing spot) and I hear the words, "I wuv you Gammy", it's then our two worlds collide. I look at her and see a little one with years ahead of her to make wishes and dreams come true. I then look at myself and see my waning years and know that my time for making dreams and wishes come true has all but come to an end. The should've, could've, would'ves begin to spin around in my head and I know then and there that I will do all I can to help this little one make as many of her dreams and wishes come true as possible.

Being a grandparent is really a blessing. You get a second chance at parenthood without all the responsibility of nighttime feedings, diaper changing, nights spent on a rocking chair as you try to soothe a colicky tummy and then turn around and go to work the next day. Since I'm a "Gammy" now I find I have more patience then I had when raising my son. I'm less apt to be so strict. When walking with this little one I fit my pace to hers. No need to hurry. Time is on our side. And when this precious angle looks at me with her big brown eyes it's almost as though she can see into my soul and she knows the impact she has made on my life thus far. She asks nothing of me or from me. She trusts me and that is an awe inspiring feeling. And when I sing to her? She actually likes my deep alto voice and will look and listen with much more intensity then her 20 months would denote. We have a communication between the two of us. A communication that goes beyond words. She's just an innocent child as yet untouched by the world. She loves me unconditionally. No kiss or hug means more to me then hers. And one day when I am no longer here, I hope that I will have made a mark on this little ones life. That she will remember me as being a positive influence in her life. And may she pass that legacy on to her own grandchildren.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Sticks and Stones

Sticks and stones can break my bones but names will never hurt me. Hogwash! What a crock of crap. I'd rather have a bone broken then my heart, my dreams, my ego, etc. by some insensitive sot feeling his need to exert his mouthhood on me. Words! I love them. To me words are precious and I value them as such. How often do we toss words about as though they were nothing. Let us not forget that words can so often make or break a situation, a person, a dream, an ego. One word spoken without thought to its import and impact on the person receiving it can alter a life to the better or hammer in the last nail in a coffin.

Harsh you might say. I say not harsh enough. We truely do not understand what an impact our words have on the ones around us. I feel very strongly (if you haven't already guessed) about using our language to build up and not tear down. Oh how I love to encourage people. To help push them to the next level. To see them walk one step closer to making a dream come true, even if it seems like the impossible dream.

I was once told that words are important to me. So important to me that I value them as money. I have to admit that this is true. I do value words. Words that I speak and words that are spoken to me. Words that heal and not kill; words that open up and not close; words that are filled with love and warmth and not hate and cold.

All that to say this. Why can't we be more in tune with what we speak. What we say is so powerful. I think we need to understand the power of our words and treat them with the same respect you would have when handling a loaded gun. We know what power is held within that gun when the trigger is pulled. Let's keep that same respect in mind when our tongues are loosed and off we go. And remember, sticks and stones can break your bones and names do hurt you.

What have I done now?

If anyone would have told me that I would be doing this at my age I would have called them a liar and then smacked them simple even though I'm not a violent person. However, I've come to the conclusion that life is winding down for me and I don't want to pass this world by without having tried to leave my mark on it. So I've joined the world of blogging for better or for worse. So here I am and there you are and let's see what happens with the thoughts of a "Gammy" gone wild.