Saturday, October 01, 2005


I've come to the conclusion that I need to write. I'm not a great writer with many words and wonderful phrases that would mesmerize the reader into awe and wonder at my prolific style and ability. No, I'm just a woman who has reached a stage in her life where I need to express who I think I am, where I think I'm going and how I think I'm going to get there.

My yesterdays have passed, today is now and the future is yet to reveal itself to me. I can look back on my past and glean from both the good and bad decisions I have made and make my future a little surer. Some would think that the future is too mysterious, too uncertain. But I feel that we are given our todays to look back and then turn toward our tomorrow. I will not allow my yesterdays to determine my tomorrows. And I will not allow my yesterdays to detract from my todays, my nows, my moments in time.

None of us know the amount of time that has been alloted to us. When I was young I never thought of getting older. That was something far ahead in the future. Well, my future has arrived. I am older. I have done things, met people, gone places. I have lived, loved, laughed and made some judgements that were absolutely absurd. I looked for love in all the wrong places, gave love to all the wrong people and I have survied to love another day. Each morning I awaken with hope springing forth that this would be the day my dreams, desires, wishes could come true. I, personally, need to know that I have hope. I will not allow anyone or anything to take my hope away. No matter what circumstances I may face I will not let my hope die. To do that would be like surrendering to the enemy of time. I will not surrender! I will stand and fight for my right to hope for a life and love that transcends even my wildest expectations.

So in conclusion I say this. I am a woman, a daugher, a mother, a grandmother. I have walked this road of life, for the most part, by myself. I have stumbled at times, fallen down when I lost my balance, but always got up and went on. I have some bumps, bruises and even scars from this walk of life. But I'd like to think of these scars as badges of courage from those times that life became more of a battle then a walk. I am a woman with much love to give. A laugh that is infectious and eyes that look not only into your eyes but your soul as well. I am a lover. I am a fighter. I am a woman. And I have hope.


Blogger Feena said...

I've started writing a novel more seriously recently. It's been one of those things that's been in my mind for ages but I'm more determined now.

What you've written here is really inspiring for me, thank you :-)

6:06 PM  
Blogger Jude said...

Whoa, you sure you didn't just write about ME?? LOL! Hi I'm Jude and I got here through Vince. Great post, really hits me right in my own life. :o)

12:07 AM  
Blogger Tracey said...

Hey there,

I'm read your response on Vince's blog and wanted to come check our your 'place' and say hello.

Your writing has really touched me, and the post about your father made me cry. (good tears mind you) Your father sounds a great deal like mine.

I'll be a regular here I think.

Take care

9:45 AM  

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