Friday, December 02, 2005


Being a newcomer to the world of blogging, I sometimes can't help but feel out of place and out of pace with the rest of those I share this new world with. So many varities of peope with so many varied opinions and so many topics. I couldn't help but wonder where my place in this place would be. And, quite frankly, would anyone care. What could I have to say that anyone would be interested in. Would what I write make a difference in anothers life. Ah, now there's the question to be answered.

The other day while cleaning I was thinking about this very thing. The thought of writing something stirring but nothing really to say. Thoughts rambling through my mind with no coherency whatsoever. Does anybody really visit? Does anybody really care when or what I write? But more importantly, how do I feel about this process. Now there was the question that needed to be answered.

I have to admit that I enjoy writing. I enjoy putting my thoughts and experiences here and allowing others into my world if even for a brief moment. I like writing about things I know and I guess I know me pretty well. Or at least I think I do. I don't want to have to worry about being witty and/or sagacious. I just want to be me. I am a mother, a grandmother, a daughter. I have a family that I love because of its diversity. We are not close knit, but we are close. We are there for each other and when the chips are down the fur will fly if needs be. I am not defined by the words I write but by the circumstances of my life and how I let them affect me. Circumstances can and will affect me. However, I will not allow them to "in"fect me.

So where do we go from here? How do I end this post? Heck if I know. I'm just writing. Or is this simply the ramblings of a "gammy" gone wild. You decide.


Blogger Gammys Perspective said...

You know that word didn't look right to me but it just wouldn't be a "gammy" post without a misspelling. Besides, where's spell check on this thing????? Thanks for the comment, Don.

4:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok you have really asked a good question about blogging. I love to read blogs that actually tell me something about other people. Who they are, how they think, what is important to them. What is their world view, both macro and micro.....I have rally grown tired of all the bloggers who think they need to "entertain" the world and who seem to be fixated on getting huge amounts of traffic. Most folks aren't professional writers or even that funny, but everyone has a story and can be interesting. So write for you and only you.

8:44 AM  
Blogger Lois Lane said...

Sorry I haven't been by in a while. Write whatever suits you. Your blog should be for you.
My blog is a year old today. You came by early fall sometime. Probably through Don. I just lose track at some point. There are just so many people. I love peeking into shared lives, wish I had more time do read more.
If you add a tracker to your site, you'll have an idea of how many visitors come each day, how long they stay and where they came from.
If you need helping setting it up, drop me an e-mail, I'd be happy to help.
Have a great weekend!
Lois Lane

2:20 PM  

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